haxorcrest.jpg (2325 bytes) Preliminary Report: |-|4><0r 411i4|\|c3

    The |-|4><0r 411i4|\|c3 (Hacker Alliance in standard ASCII) is a loosely knit organization primarily made up of mercenary and pirate groups, though some other non-merc/pirate groups do exist with in the Alliance. Living by the unwritten |-|4><0r 14\/\/ (Hacker Law), a guide for honor and duty among fellow Hackers, these systems are extremely fanatical about the belief in the User to almost cultist tendency. Believing that their spoken tongue of l337 is the language of the User or |-|4><0r, these adept warriors will invade and desicrate the entire system of the unfit User or l-user (spoken as loser). Often closly tied to the Linoxian Confederation, the Alliance often works closely with the Confederation due to their similar belief system.

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